Do you want the verified icon to appear on your listing?
To verify your images, you need to send us an email with a recent photo of yourself clearly showing your face while holding a piece of paper with “ and today’s date” written on it.
Please make sure the image is taken with good, clear lighting.
We will verify that you are the same person as shown in the listing and confirm that your images are 100% real.
Benefits of verifying your listing
Users are increasingly tired of fake photos, stolen from the internet, or images of models…
That’s why verified listings are 80% more profitable and receive more attention from users.
– More calls
– More clients
– Increased credibility
– Better positions on our website
– We have removed the warning message about potential scams that appears on unverified profiles.
“Don’t pay money upfront to set an appointment; it could be a scam!!
If they ask you to buy recharge tickets (transcash or similar) at a tobacconist, it is possibly a scam.
Do not buy or validate the code on any page; they will steal your money. Report it to us!!”