Natasha, Interview with a Russian Escort recently arrived in Paris

russian escort

Today we bring you an interview with a Russian girl who recently came to Paris to pursue her dream of becoming a luxury escort in Paris. Her name is Natasha, and we are excited to meet her and learn more about her experience in the city.

Rob: Hi Natasha, thanks for joining us. How do you feel in Paris?

Natasha: Hello! Thank you. I feel excited and a little nervous, but I am very happy to be here. Paris is such a beautiful city and has such a different vibe than anywhere I’ve been before.


Rob: Tell us, how did you start in the world of accompaniment work?

Natasha: I started a few years ago when a friend suggested that I try working, she was already doing it and it worked very well for her. I love sex and men, and I’ve always wanted to try it, so I decided to give it a try. I started working with some local Escort Agencies in my hometown in Russia, and since then I have been pursuing my dream of saving travel and living a luxurious life.

Rob: That’s great! What made you come to Paris?

Natasha: Paris is the capital of fashion, so it has always been a dream for me to come here and work in the sex industry. Escorts in this city are well regarded, and the income compared to my city in Russia is much higher. Also, I love the city and its culture, so it was an easy choice.

Rob: And how have you found life in Paris so far?

Natasha: It’s been a roller coaster, but I’m enjoying every minute of it. The city is beautiful and there is so much to see and do. I have also met some amazing people here who have helped me in my career and have shown me around the city.

Rob: How are you adjusting to the prices and customs of life in Paris?

Natasha: Well, it’s not a secret that Paris is an expensive city. The prices are much higher than what I am used to, especially when it comes to renting an apartment. But I’m trying to adapt and make adjustments to my budget. I’ve also discovered some great places where you can get things at more reasonable prices.

Rob: How would you describe the clients in Paris?

Natasha: The clients here are generally very friendly and polite, especially with foreign escorts, they know about our difficulties with language and culture, and they are very understanding. Although they can sometimes seem a bit standoffish or cold at first, they are generally very friendly. I have also noticed that they are very passionate about everything related to sex, which is very inspiring, and allows me to develop my work in a more free and open way.


Rob: What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps and become an escort and come to Paris to work?

Natasha: My advice would be to not give up. Sex work is not easy, and there are many difficulties and social rejections, but if you really want to do it, you have to go ahead and work hard. It’s also important to surround yourself with positive people who will support you and help you along the way.

Rob: And finally, what are your plans for the future?

Natasha: I want to continue working on my career and building my heritage. I am also thinking of traveling to Dubai for a while, as it is also a lucrative place for escorts.

Rob: Thank you very much Natasha for attending, we wish you the best in your stay in Paris!

Natasha: Thank you for the support and service you provide with your directory, and how easy it is to connect with customers through your website.

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