Do you need a bit of fun? Do you ache for relaxation? Do you desire to be truly indulged?I certainly do. My life is one sublime sumptuous adventure.I am very lucky, having had a strict upbringing and a boarding school education – both of which I am very grateful for. All in all very grounding,Males&Femalesa great launch pad to rebel against. »To study music, we must learn the rules. To create music, we must forget them. »- Nadia BoulangerI reserve a few precious pockets in my diary for you, and seek to fill them with gluttonous pleasure. This secret part of my life gives me the freedom to enact a variety of fantasies.It is truly enriching for me to discover your world and your dreams. I feel alive in a man’s company, and I loveuncovering what makes you tick…then serving up lashings of it.My body is smooth, lightly tanned, all natural and voluptuous. I am responsive to touch and affection – in fact i crave it.My grooming is fastidious, with hygieneMales&Femaleshealth both being top priorities. I take pride in selecting the most exquisite lingerie, with which to complement each sexyMales&Femalesexciting outfit. Not forgetting my personal favourite : a dizzying array of perfectly chosen shoes, for our time together.Please visit my website and join as a free member for more pics and perks. Get to know me better. Please have patience with my levels of discretion – its for your safety too!Let the fun begin…Yours LovinglyClaraXXX
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